
Student Learning through Leading

Giving our rangatahi a chance to lead, and learn through leading could be considered as important as anything they learn in the classroom. Like most schools, Opunake High has a range of opportunities available to our students – from the prestigious Head Boy & Girl and Prefect team and our Student BOT Representative to captaining sports teams or being part of our student DREAM Committee, Peer Support and Hapu Kairahi (House leaders), leadership opportunities are available for our most senior students to our newest.
For some of us leading doesn’t come naturally, so we ensure our students are given assistance and training in this area, each year the outgoing prefects “hand-over” to the incoming ones, and students are taken on leadership camps locally and nationwide such as the Blue Light Leadership camps, Spirit of Adventure and Blake Inspire.

Luke Forsyth – Head Boy

Charlie Carr – Head Girl

Kia ora, I’m Charlie and I’m the Head Girl at Ōpunakē High School for 2024.
We would like to extend the warmest of welcomes to all the new students who will be a part of the new school year with us.
At Ōpunakē we are like a Whānau. We look after one another and ensure everyone enjoys their time at our kura. I’m sure all you new students will love it, just as much as I do!
This is our year Ōpunakē High. Let’s continue to ride the wave of success and see where it takes us in the sporting, academic, cultural, and artistic domains.
I am very honoured to be your Head Girl this year alongside Luke, and our amazing prefect team. We are here to encourage you to reach your goals, live the dreams, take all the opportunities you can get, but ultimately have fun.
Charlie Carr

Kia Ora, My name is Luke Forsyth and I am your 2024 Head Boy. I would like to extend a huge welcome to all students, staff, and members of the community both those new and those returning. I am super excited to be working alongside Charlie and the rest of the prefect team this year to create a positive school environment for all students.
I wish you all the best for any ventures you undertake throughout 2024 whether that be sporting, cultural, academic or arts. I am honoured to be able to represent the school this year as well as all the students. Ōpunakē High School is remarkable for its relationships between not only the students but also the staff. I intend to enhance this aspect even further.
I hope 2024 is a great year for us all.
Luke Forsyth

Perfect Team 2024

Selected through a vigorous student and staff voting and interview process, every year our prefect team play a significant role in contributing to the life and running of Opunake High School. From organising our school Iwi to aiding with inter-hapu events, organising fundraisers, representing the school at ANZAC Day and much more – these student leaders are often called on to lend a hand.
Being a prefect is a privilege and is often a reflection of previous years service to the school and DREAM attributes. Well done all the following students selected to represent the student body this year

The Prefect team in 2024 is: Te Raukura Winiata, Paige Taylor, Jackson Reader, Jessica Holmes, Shinae Minhinnick, Harry Rankin, Cheska Centeno, Luke Forsyth, Charlie Carr, Caleb Neil, Caris Bradford

Student BOT Representative

To ensure student voice is heard, every year a student representative is voted onto the Board of Trustees. The role as Student Representative is important so that the views of the entire student body can be articulated to the Board. Elections for the Board Of Trustees student role usually open in September each year, this role requires a lot of effort in service of the school. If students are interested you are encouraged to put your name forward.
Students elected onto the BOT will learn to appreciate the effort that goes into the inner workings of the school and the level of commitment members of our community have invested. The role of the BOT is quite simple, it is to be responsible for setting the school’s strategic direction, along with ensuring that the Boards school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.
The student representative for 2023 is Ella Griggs.